May the angels lead you into paradise.
May the martyrs come to welcome you and bring you home!
In the Catholic tradition, November is the month of remembering all who have gone before us in faith and holding them in prayer. On November 1st we celebrate the Feast of All Saints, honoring those whose lives have revealed the mystery of Jesus in a particular way. We pray that our lives will show forth Jesus’ love as well. November 2nd is All Souls Day / Dia de los Muertos, when we remember, honor, and pray for our own loved ones and all who have left this life on earth.
Visitation School has a tradition of including our deceased loved ones in a Book of Names. Every member of the school community may submit names for prayer during November. The Book of Names is kept in the hall outside the office where anyone may write names for remembrance.
November also reminds us to be grateful for all of God’s gifts to us. When we celebrate Thanksgiving, we thank God for all we have been given, and we are challenged to reach out to those in need. Truly, we are blessed and we share our blessings!