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“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.””

- Proverbs 22:6 -

Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters Scholarship Fund

The Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters are the cornerstone of Visitation. The Sisters built our school community and for over one hundred years they have empowered the children of Englewood and the Back of the Yards.


Today, this scholarship continues the legacy of the Sisters who founded Visitation Schools, giving students access to an education that teaches them to be kind, compassionate individuals, instilling in them curiosity and faith that will be with them throughout their lives.

Elizabeth Aldrich Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was created in memory of Ms. Elizabeth Aldrich, or "Aunt Betty" as her family lovingly called her. The Elizabeth Aldrich Memorial Scholarship is supported by alumnus, Deborah Terry, and her husband, John.


Today, this scholarship supports a student at Visitation each year, helping to ensure they have access to quality faith-based education and continuing the legacy of Elizabeth Aldrich

Howard & Francis Boutet Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Mary Ellen Casey Memorial Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Dante Chambers Memorial Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Class of 1984 Scholarship Fund

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Maria Devens Memorial Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Marie Hardy Scholarship Fund

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Karen Karh Memorial Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Byrd M. Kelly Memorial Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Michael & Mary Lennon Family Scholarship Fund

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

James F. Mikulski Memorial Scholarship

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Audrey & Louis Munin Scholarship Fund

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

William Pence Memorial Scholarship Fund

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Margaret & Matthew Schneider Memor

Visitation Catholic School began e-learning after returning from Spring Break on March 23rd. Our commitment to our students has not changed as we navigate this new digital community. We remain committed to the tenants that are the foundation of Visitation: faith, family, tradition, and excellence and strive to do everything within our power to continue the support of our students through these uncertain times.


Yes, I would like to make an investment in Visitation's future through a donation to support Visitation students and staff.

Visitation Catholic School

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900 W. Garfield Blvd. Chicago, IL 60609


School Phone: (773) 373-5200



Thank you to our sponsors!

©2024 Visitation Catholic School.  All rights reserved.

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